Midnight City is...

...a browser based artwork by Australian visual artist Ego.

Stroll through an imagined city dreamt together from fragments of users' own meanderings.
Midnight City combines crowd-sourced snapshots of people's home cities and neighbourhoods the world-over,
deconstructed and knitted back together to form an endless, ever changing streetscape.

Midnight City is designed to play full screen on your TV, projector or laptop, as a backdrop to your daily goings on.
The artwork is experimental and appears to work differently across browsers and devices,
it seems to work best on Macs running Chrome or Windows running Edge browser, but if you experience lag or other issues please try another browser or device.
Email me ego@watchyourego.com if you have any persistent issues or any other feedback.

Explore the places that make up Midnight City...

Help build the city...

...by recording a ~20 second video walking through your neighbourhood or favourite part of your city.

Videos can be recorded on your phone, and should be:

  • 10-30 seconds
  • include both near and far objects
  • be walking, not stationary
  • start with your scene clearly in full view then walk through / past it at a slow-to-moderate pace
  • pan your camera towards any points of interest as you go
  • can be either portrait or landscape, pick whatever fits your scene best

Please ensure your video meets these criteria for it to be able to be included in the artwork.

Please include your suburb / city in the name field when uploading to be added to the map...

Upload your video here.

By uploading your video you agree that the video may be used in the creation of this artwork.